function::fp_to_string - Linux


function::fp_to_string is a command-line utility for converting a floating-point number to its string representation. It is commonly used for debugging and testing purposes, as it provides a deterministic and human-readable representation of a floating-point value.


fp_to_string <floating-point number>


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -d, –display-format: Specify the display format for the resulting string. Valid formats include hex, bin, dec, and ascii. The default format is dec.
  • -p, –precision: Specify the number of decimal places to include in the resulting string. The default precision is 6.


To convert the floating-point number 3.14159265359 to its string representation:

fp_to_string 3.14159265359

This will output the following:


To convert the floating-point number -123.456 to its hexadecimal representation with a precision of 3 decimal places:

fp_to_string -d hex -p 3 -123.456

This will output the following:


Common Issues

  • Incorrect floating-point number: Ensure that the provided floating-point number is valid. Invalid numbers will result in an error.
  • Unsupported display format: Specify a valid display format using the -d option. Invalid formats will result in an error.
  • Overflow: The resulting string may overflow the buffer if the number is too large. Use a larger buffer or reduce the precision to avoid this issue.


function::fp_to_string can be used in conjunction with other commands to facilitate debugging and analysis. For example, it can be piped to grep to search for specific patterns in the resulting string:

fp_to_string <floating-point number> | grep <pattern>

Related Commands

  • printf: Format and print data, including floating-point numbers.
  • bc: Perform arbitrary-precision calculations, including floating-point operations.