function::fp_to_long - Linux


fp_to_long converts a floating-point value to a long integer by rounding it to the nearest integer. This command is useful in situations where you need to convert a floating-point value to an integer for processing or storage.


fp_to_long [options] <floating-point value>


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -r, –round: Specify the rounding mode. Valid options are:
    • 0: Round to nearest integer (default)
    • 1: Round towards positive infinity
    • 2: Round towards negative infinity
  • -i, –integer-bits: Specify the number of integer bits in the result. This value must be between 1 and 64, inclusive. The default value is 32.


Convert the floating-point value 123.45 to a long integer, rounding to the nearest integer:

$ fp_to_long 123.45

Convert the floating-point value -123.45 to a long integer, rounding towards negative infinity:

$ fp_to_long -123.45 -r 2

Convert the floating-point value 123.45 to a long integer with 64 integer bits:

$ fp_to_long 123.45 -i 64

Common Issues

One common issue when using fp_to_long is that the result may not be accurate if the floating-point value is very large or very small. In these cases, it is recommended to use a different conversion method, such as the printf function with the %d format specifier.


fp_to_long can be combined with other Linux commands or tools to perform more complex tasks. For example, you can use fp_to_long to convert a floating-point value to an integer for storage in a database:

$ echo 123.45 | fp_to_long | sqlite3 database.db "INSERT INTO table (value) VALUES (?)"

Related Commands

  • printf: Print formatted output
  • bc: Arbitrary precision calculator