function::fp_mul - Linux


The fp_mul command is a high-performance floating-point multiplier library designed for scientific computing and numerical analysis tasks. It provides efficient and accurate computation of floating-point multiplication operations.


fp_mul {a b}
fp_mul -h|-?|-V

a and b are floating-point numbers.


  • -h | -? : Display help information about the command.
  • -V : Print version information of the library.


Simple multiplication:

fp_mul 2.5 3.2



Complex computation:

Execute fp_mul with a large number of times to demonstrate its high-performance nature:

for ((i=0; i < 10000000; i++)); do fp_mul 3.1415 2.7182; done

Common Issues

  • Floating-point precision: fp_mul operates on IEEE 754 floating-point numbers, which have limited precision. For extremely large or small numbers, rounding errors may occur.
  • NaN and Infinity: fp_mul can return NaN (Not a Number) or Infinity in certain cases (e.g., dividing by zero or multiplying by Infinity).


fp_mul can be integrated into C and Fortran programs using the provided headers and libraries. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for standard floating-point multiplication operations to improve performance.

Related Commands

  • * : Standard floating-point multiplication operator in C and Fortran.
  • bc : Arbitrary precision calculator.
  • gmp : GNU multiple-precision arithmetic library.