function::error - Linux


function::error is a command used to check for errors in a function and display a user-friendly and customized error message. It provides a structured and consistent way of handling errors in scripts and functions, enhancing readability and debugging.


function::error [OPTIONS] [CODE] [MESSAGE]


  • -h, --help: Display usage information.
  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose output, showing additional details about the error.
  • -s, --silent: Suppress output, only set the error code.
  • --code: Specify a custom error code. (Default: 1)


Simple Usage:

function::error "Invalid input provided."

Custom Error Code:

function::error --code 404 "Page not found."

Verbose Output:

function::error -v "Failed to connect to database."

Common Issues

  • Incorrect Syntax: Ensure proper syntax and argument order.
  • Non-Zero Return Code: The function::error command sets a non-zero return code when an error is encountered.
  • Empty Error Message: A message argument should be provided to display an error message.


function::error can be integrated into shell scripts or function libraries to handle errors uniformly. For instance, the following script uses function::error to provide error handling for a data processing function:


process_data() {
  if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
    function::error "File not found: $1"
    return 1

  # Data processing logic here

process_data data.txt

Related Commands

  • echo: Display messages on the console.
  • exit: Exit the current script with a specified return code.