function::cpu_clock_us - Linux


The function::cpu_clock_us command provides a high-resolution timestamp in microseconds since the last system boot. This timestamp is typically used for benchmarking, profiling, and synchronizing events across different processes.




There are no options or flags available for this command.


Example 1: Measuring Execution Time

# Execute the code to be timed

elapsed_time=$((end_time - start_time))

echo "Elapsed time: ${elapsed_time} microseconds"

Example 2: Synchronizing Events

# Process 1

# Share the timestamp with Process 2 using inter-process communication

# Process 2

# Calculate the time elapsed since Process 1 sent the timestamp
elapsed_time=$((received_timestamp - timestamp))

echo "Time elapsed since event in Process 1: ${elapsed_time} microseconds"

Common Issues

Incorrect Timestamp

If the system clock has been adjusted (e.g., by NTP), the timestamp may not be accurate. To ensure an accurate timestamp, use function::cpu_clock_ns instead, which provides a timestamp in nanoseconds and is not affected by clock adjustments.


function::cpu_clock_us can be integrated into various scenarios:

  • Profiling: Measuring the execution time of code segments for performance analysis.
  • Benchmarking: Comparing the performance of different implementations or systems.
  • Synchronization: Coordinating events across multiple processes or threads.

Related Commands

  • function::cpu_clock_ns: Provides a high-resolution timestamp in nanoseconds.
  • time: Executes a command and measures its execution time.
  • perf: A powerful performance profiling tool.