function::caller_addr - Linux


function::caller_addr is a Linux command that displays caller addresses, providing insights into stack frame information for functions and libraries. Its primary use is in debugging and analyzing code behavior.


function::caller_addr [<options>] <function> <address>


  • –addr: Use an address to look up functions
  • –file: Use a file to look up functions
  • –filter: Apply a filter to the output
  • –format: Specify the output format (default: raw)
  • –symbol: Use a symbol to look up functions


1. Display caller addresses for a specific function:

function::caller_addr --file main.cpp --function main

2. Find caller addresses from an address:

function::caller_addr --addr 0x41f64c

3. Filter output by specific parameters:

function::caller_addr --file main.cpp --filter 'filename == "my_module.cpp"'

4. Change the output format:

function::caller_addr --file main.cpp --format json

Common Issues

  • Unable to find caller address: Ensure the provided parameters are correct and that the specified file or address is accessible.
  • Inconsistent output: Different versions of the compiler or system may affect the output format. Use the --format option to specify a consistent format.


1. Use with addr2line: Identify the source code location corresponding to the caller address.

function::caller_addr --file main.cpp | addr2line -e a.out

2. Combining with perf: Analyze performance data and pinpoint function boundaries.

perf record -e function -F 99
perf report -i callchain.out | function::caller_addr

Related Commands

  • addr2line: Converts addresses to source code locations.
  • readelf: Displays detailed information about ELF files.