function::atomic_read - Linux


The function::atomic_read command is used to read data from memory atomically and independent of lock management and synchronization mechanisms. It provides reliable and coherent data access, even in multithreaded environments, by using appropriate synchronization primitives.


function::atomic_read(input_buffer, output_buffer, size)


  • input_buffer: The memory location to read data from.
  • output_buffer: The memory location to store the read data.
  • size: The size of the data to read, in bytes.


There are no options or flags associated with the function::atomic_read command.


Reading a 32-bit integer atomically

uint32_t value;
function::atomic_read(&shared_variable, &value, sizeof(value));

Copying a block of memory atomically

char buffer[1024];
function::atomic_read(&source_buffer, buffer, sizeof(buffer));

Common Issues

  • Data inconsistency: If the data being read is being modified concurrently by multiple threads, the read data may be inconsistent.
  • Memory leaks: If the output_buffer is not allocated or released properly, it can lead to memory leaks.


The function::atomic_read command can be integrated with other Linux commands to enable atomic operations and protect data integrity in multithreaded applications. For example, it can be used in conjunction with mutexes or semaphores for synchronization and data protection.

Related Commands

  • function::atomic_write: Writes data to memory atomically.
  • function::atomic_fetch_add: Reads and modifies data atomically by adding a value to it.
  • pthread_mutex_lock: Locks a mutex, preventing concurrent access to shared data.