function::ansi_set_color - Linux


ansi_set_color sets the colors for ANSI escape codes. This allows you to use ANSI escape codes to colorize text in your terminal emulator.


ansi_set_color [options] <fg-color> <bg-color>


  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit.
  • -V, --version: Show version information and exit.


  • <fg-color>: The foreground color. This can be a color name, such as "red", "green", or "blue", or a hex color code, such as "#ff0000".
  • <bg-color>: The background color. This can be a color name, such as "red", "green", or "blue", or a hex color code, such as "#ff0000".


To set the foreground color to red and the background color to blue, you would use the following command:

ansi_set_color red blue

To set the foreground color to a hex color code, you would use the following command:

ansi_set_color #ff0000 #0000ff

Common Issues

If you are having trouble getting ansi_set_color to work, make sure that your terminal emulator supports ANSI escape codes. Most modern terminal emulators, such as GNOME Terminal, Konsole, and iTerm2, do support ANSI escape codes.


ANSI_set_color can be used with other Linux commands to create more visually appealing output. For example, you could use ansi_set_color to colorize the output of the ls command:

ansi_set_color green yellow && ls

Related Commands

  • tput – Sets and clears terminal attributes.
  • setterm – Sets terminal attributes.