function::ansi_cursor_show - Linux


function::ansi_cursor_show: Show cursor

The function::ansi_cursor_show command is a POSIX-compliant function that displays the text cursor in an interactive terminal. Its primary purpose is to make the cursor visible, which is particularly useful in situations where the cursor is hidden or for debugging and interactive console applications.


int ansi_cursor_show(void);




Simple Usage

#include <stdio.h>
#include <term.h>

Complex Usage

#include <stdio.h>
#include <term.h>
char *cursor_seq = tigetstr("cursor_on");
if (cursor_seq) {
  printf("%s", cursor_seq);
} else {
  // Handle error or use alternative method to show cursor

Common Issues

Cursor Not Visible

Ensure the terminal supports cursor visibility and termcap database is properly configured. Verify if the cursor_on capability is available using tigetstr().

Cursor Jumps to Unexpected Position

Some terminals may have limited cursor control capabilities and the cursor may move to unexpected positions. In such cases, consider using alternative methods for cursor control.


For advanced tasks, function::ansi_cursor_show can be combined with other terminal control commands like cursor_left(), cursor_right() to implement custom cursor movement or highlighting mechanisms.

Related Commands

  • ansi_cursor_hide: Hide the text cursor.
  • cursor_address: Move the cursor to a specific position on the screen.
  • tput: A utility for querying and setting terminal capabilities, including cursor control.