function::ansi_cursor_save - Linux


ansi_cursor_save is a versatile command designed to preserve the current cursor position within a terminal window. It aids in manipulating and restoring the cursor location, allowing efficient terminal window management and text manipulation tasks.


ansi_cursor_save [options]


| Option | Description |
| -h | Display help and usage information |
| -C | Use ANSI escape codes to save the cursor position |
| -v | Print the saved cursor position in the form of ANSI escape codes |
| -r | Restore the saved cursor position |


Simple Save and Restore:

# Perform some other operations

Using ANSI Escape Codes:

ansi_cursor_save -C
# Perform some other operations
position=$(ansi_cursor_save -v)

Integration with Other Commands:

# Redirect the cursor save position to a file
ansi_cursor_save -v > cursor_position.txt

# Restore the cursor position from a file
ansi_cursor_restore < cursor_position.txt

Common Issues

  • Incompatible Terminals: Some terminals may not support ANSI escape codes, causing the save and restore operations to fail.


ansi_cursor_save can be seamlessly integrated with other command line tools for advanced text manipulation and terminal management:

  • sed: Use ansi_cursor_save to temporarily save the cursor position when manipulating text with sed.
  • vim: Save and restore the cursor position before and after applying vim commands for precise editing.
  • tmux: Utilize ansi_cursor_save to manage multiple terminal sessions and restore cursor positions across sessions.

Related Commands