function::ansi_cursor_move - Linux


function::ansi_cursor_move is a specialized tool used for precise cursor positioning within a terminal window. It enables the control of the cursor’s horizontal and vertical coordinates, allowing for dynamic and interactive text-based user interfaces.


function::ansi_cursor_move(x, y)


  • x: The horizontal coordinate (column) to move the cursor to.
  • y: The vertical coordinate (row) to move the cursor to.


This command has no configuration options or flags.


Move the Cursor to a Specific Position

To move the cursor to the center of the screen, use:

function::ansi_cursor_move(10, 10)

Increment the Cursor Position

To move the cursor down by 2 rows and right by 3 columns, use:

function::ansi_cursor_move(x + 3, y + 2)

Common Issues

  • Out-of-Bounds Positioning: Attempting to move the cursor outside the terminal window’s boundaries will result in undefined behavior.
  • Invalid Coordinates: Specifying non-numeric values for x or y may cause errors.


function::ansi_cursor_move can be integrated with other commands for complex tasks:

  • User Input: Used to obtain the cursor position from user input for navigation or editing.
  • Formatting: Combined with ANSI escape sequences to render tables, charts, or other structured text.

Related Commands

  • tput: Used to control terminal settings, including cursor positioning.
  • printf: Can be used to format and print output, including ANSI escape sequences for cursor movement.