fullreport - Linux


fullreport generates comprehensive reports based on data sources and custom configurations. It empowers users to create detailed and informative reports tailored to specific requirements, leveraging extensive data sources and customizable report templates.


fullreport [options] [config_file]


| Flag | Description | Default |
| -d, --data-source | Specifies the data source to use. | Required |
| -t, --template | Selects the report template to apply. | Required |
| -o, --output | Sets the output file path. | stdout |
| -h, --help | Displays help information. | – |
| --verbose | Enables verbose output for debugging. | False |


Simple Report:

fullreport -d ./data.csv -t basic -o report.pdf

Complex Report with External Data:

fullreport \
    -d "mysql://username:password@host/database" \
    -t custom -o report.xlsx \

Common Issues

Data Source Unavailable: Ensure the specified data source is accessible and has valid credentials.
Template Not Found: Verify that the selected template exists in the specified location.
Errors in Report Generation: Check if the data source and template are compatible, and the output file path has write permissions.


Export Reports: Integrate fullreport with other tools to automatically export reports to various formats (e.g., email, cloud storage).
Data Analysis: Use fullreport to generate reports that can be analyzed with data visualization tools for deeper insights.

Related Commands

  • reportlab: Python library for generating PDF reports.
  • JasperReports: Open-source Java-based reporting tool.
  • BIRT: Eclipse-based reporting platform.