fssetdm_by_handle - Linux


fssetdm_by_handle is a command that sets the direct or delayed mount flag on a file system specified by the given file handle. It is commonly used to mount or unmount specific file systems based on their mount point’s behavior.


fssetdm_by_handle [-d|D] [-f] [-q] <mountpoint>


  • -d, -D: Directs the command to clear the direct mount flag, enabling delayed mount.
  • -f: Skips confirmation prompts, forcefully setting the flag.
  • -q: Suppresses informational messages, providing quieter operation.


Setting Direct Mount

fssetdm_by_handle /mnt

Clearing Direct Mount

fssetdm_by_handle -d /mnt

Forcing the Action Without Prompts

fssetdm_by_handle -f /mnt

Common Issues

File System Not Found

If you receive an error stating ‘file system not found,’ ensure the provided file handle is correct and refers to a valid file system.

Invalid Mount Point

If you encounter an error related to an invalid mount point, verify that the specified mount point exists and is recognized by the system.


fssetdm_by_handle is often used in conjunction with other file system management commands such as mount and umount. It can also be incorporated into scripts and automation tasks to dynamically adjust file system mount behavior.

Related Commands

  • mount: Mounts file systems.
  • umount: Unmounts file systems.
  • df: Displays file system usage.