FQ-PIE - Linux


FQ-PIE (Flexible Queue Processor with Parallel Improved Execution) is a Linux command that allows users to manage and execute tasks in a FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queue system. It offers advanced load balancing, parallelism, error handling, and progress tracking capabilities. FQ-PIE is particularly useful for managing complex workflows, processing large datasets, and ensuring efficient resource utilization.


fq-pie [options] <command> [args]


  • options: Control the behavior of FQ-PIE.
  • command: The command to be executed.
  • args: Arguments to be passed to the command.


  • -p, –processes: Specify the number of parallel processes to execute the command. (default: 1)
  • -q, –queue-length: Set the maximum length of the task queue. (default: 100)
  • -t, –timeout: Specify a timeout period for each task. (default: no timeout)
  • -e, –error-policy: Handle errors by terminating the queue or skipping the task. (default: terminate)
  • -s, –status: Display the progress of tasks in the queue.


Simple Execution:

fq-pie sleep 10

Parallel Execution:

fq-pie -p 4 sleep 10

Error Handling:

fq-pie -e skip python script.py

Progress Tracking:

fq-pie -s make build

Common Issues

  • Queue Congestion: Monitor the queue length to prevent excessive buildup.
  • Task Timeouts: Adjust the timeout period to prevent tasks from stalling.
  • Incorrect Command Execution: Ensure that the specified command is valid and has proper permissions.


  • Parallel Processing with xargs: xargs -P 4 fq-pie
  • Error Handling with jq and grep: fq-pie | jq '.error' | grep "not found"
  • Task Scheduling with cron: Schedule recurring tasks using crontab -e with fq-pie.

Related Commands

  • bash – Shell for scripting
  • make – Build automation tool