Format Wide - PowerShell


Format-Wide formats wide objects by expanding the width of their properties to fit the available display area. This allows for easier reading and comparison of wide objects, especially in situations where space is limited.


Format-Wide [-InputObject] <Object> [[-Property] <String[]>] [-Width] <Int32>


Specifies an object or an array of objects to be formatted. If not specified, the command will format the current pipeline output.

Specifies an array of property names to be expanded. By default, all properties will be expanded.

Specifies the desired width of the formatted output. The default is 120.


Example 1: Formatting a single wide object

PS> $computer = Get-Computer -Name mycomputer
PS> Format-Wide $computer

Example 2: Formatting specific properties of wide objects

PS> $computers = Get-Computer -Name mycomputer, server1, server2
PS> Format-Wide $computers -Property Name, OperatingSystem, Status

Example 3: Formatting with a custom width

PS> Format-Wide $computers -Width 200

Common Issues

Problem: The output is truncated when using -Width.
Solution: Increase the value of -Width to accommodate the desired output length.


Format-Wide can be used with other PowerShell commands, such as Get-Member and Export-Csv, to further enhance data presentation and export.

  • Get-Member
  • Export-Csv
  • Format-Table