form_opts - Linux


form_opts is a command-line tool for formatting options for a given command. It takes a list of options and their values as input and outputs a formatted string that can be used as the arguments for the command.


form_opts [options] <command> [arguments]


  • -f, –format: Specify the format to use for the output. Available formats are "default", "quoted", and "csv". Default: "default"
  • -o, –output: Specify the file to write the output to. Default: stdout
  • -q, –quiet: Suppress all output except for errors.
  • -h, –help: Display help and exit.


Simple example: Format the options --name and --age with values John and 25 for the command ./my_script.

form_opts --name John --age 25 ./my_script


./my_script --name John --age 25

Complex example: Format the options --name, --age, and --options (a list of multiple values) for the command ./my_script.

form_opts --name John --age 25 --options option1 option2 option3 ./my_script


./my_script --name John --age 25 --options option1 option2 option3

Common Issues

  • Error: Missing required option: This error occurs when a required option is not specified. Check the command’s documentation for the required options and make sure to provide them.
  • Error: Invalid option value: This error occurs when an option is provided an invalid value. Check the command’s documentation for the valid values for each option.


form_opts can be integrated with other commands using the pipe (|) operator. For example, to format the options for the ./my_script command and then execute it, you can use the following command:

form_opts --name John --age 25 ./my_script | ./my_script

Related Commands

  • getopt: Another command-line tool for parsing options.