form_field_validation - Linux


The form_field_validation command validates form fields in web applications. It checks for common errors such as empty fields, invalid email addresses, and out-of-range values.


form_field_validation [options] [arguments]


  • -f, –field-name: The name of the form field to validate.
  • -t, –type: The type of validation to perform. Supported types include:
    • email: Validates an email address.
    • required: Checks if the field is not empty.
    • max-length: Checks if the field value is less than or equal to a specified maximum length.
    • min-length: Checks if the field value is greater than or equal to a specified minimum length.
    • range: Checks if the field value is within a specified range.
  • -v, –value: The value of the form field to validate.
  • -h, –help: Show the help message and exit.


Validate an email address:

form_field_validation -t email -f email -v

Check if a field is empty:

form_field_validation -t required -f name -v ""

Validate a field value within a range:

form_field_validation -t range -f age -v 18 -l 18 -u 65

Common Issues

Error: Invalid value

This error occurs when the value of the form field does not match the specified validation type. For example, if you try to validate an email address that is not a valid format, you will get this error.


Ensure that the value of the form field matches the specified validation type.


The form_field_validation command can be integrated with other Linux commands or tools for advanced tasks. For example, you can use the command to validate the input of a user before submitting a form to a web server.

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