form_cursor - Linux


form_cursor is a Linux command-line tool designed to create and manage cursor keys for text-based user interfaces (TUIs). It helps developers define custom cursor shapes and behaviors, enhancing the functionality and user experience of TUI applications.


form_cursor [-s <shape>] [-b <blink>] [-c <color>] [-e <enable>] [-d <delay>] [-S <save>] [-L <load>]


  • -s, –shape (Required): Specifies the cursor shape. Available shapes include: block, underline, blink, overline. Default: block
  • -b, –blink: Enables or disables cursor blinking. Can be used alone or in conjunction with other shapes. Default: disabled
  • -c, –color: Sets the cursor color. Accepts any valid ANSI color code. Default: default
  • -e, –enable: Enables or disables the cursor. Default: enabled
  • -d, –delay: Specifies the cursor blink delay in milliseconds. Default: 500
  • -S, –save: Saves the current cursor configuration to a file.
  • -L, –load: Loads a previously saved cursor configuration from a file.


Create a blinking block cursor with a red color:

form_cursor -s block -b -c '31'

Disable cursor blinking and enable an underline shape:

form_cursor -b -s underline -e

Save the current cursor configuration to a file:

form_cursor -S cursor.cfg

Load a saved cursor configuration from a file:

form_cursor -L cursor.cfg

Common Issues

  • Cursor not visible: Ensure that the cursor is enabled using the -e flag.
  • Cursor shape not changing: Check the specified shape against the available options.
  • Cursor color not applied: Use valid ANSI color code when specifying a color.


form_cursor can be integrated with other commands to enhance TUI applications:

  • Use with dialog to create custom menus and prompts with customized cursors.
  • Combine with whiptail to define navigation and selection behaviors for TUI interfaces.

Related Commands

  • infocmp: Provides information about terminal capabilities, including cursor shapes and colors.
  • tput: Controls terminal output, including cursor positioning and shape.