ForEachmethod - PowerShell


ForEach-Object is a powerful PowerShell command that allows users to process each object in a collection one at a time, enabling the execution of custom actions or commands on each object. It is commonly used in scenarios where you need to perform repetitive tasks on multiple objects or manipulate data in a specific way.


Basic Syntax

ForEach-Object [-Process] { ScriptBlock } [-Begin { ScriptBlock }] [-End { ScriptBlock }]

Advanced Syntax

ForEach-Object -Parallel [-Process { ScriptBlock }] [-ThrottleLimit <Integer>] [-MaxConcurrency <Integer>]
  [-Begin { ScriptBlock }] [-End { ScriptBlock }]


  • -Process { ScriptBlock}: Required. Specifies the script block to execute for each object in the collection.
  • -Parallel: Enables parallel processing of objects.
  • -ThrottleLimit : Sets the maximum number of objects that can be processed concurrently when parallel processing is enabled.
  • -MaxConcurrency : Specifies the maximum number of concurrent operations that can be executed.
  • -Begin { ScriptBlock}: Optional. Specifies a script block to execute before processing the collection.
  • -End { ScriptBlock}: Optional. Specifies a script block to execute after processing the collection.


Simple Example

$computers = Get-Computer
$computers | ForEach-Object { Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Computer $_ }

In this example, the ForEach-Object command is used to execute the Get-WmiObject command for each computer in the $computers collection.

Parallel Processing Example

$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\temp"
$files | ForEach-Object -Parallel { Compress-Archive -Destination $(Join-Path "C:\temp\compressed" $_.Name) -Path $_ }

This example uses parallel processing to compress each file in the $files collection simultaneously, improving performance.

Common Issues

  • Error handling: When using parallel processing, any errors encountered during processing are not immediately displayed. Instead, they are collected and displayed after all objects have been processed. To capture errors, handle exceptions within the -Process script block.
  • Performance considerations: Parallel processing can enhance performance but should be used with caution. Excessive concurrency can strain system resources, leading to performance issues.


ForEach-Object can be combined with other PowerShell commands, such as Where-Object and Select-Object, for more complex processing scenarios. For instance:

Get-Process | ForEach-Object { $_ | Where-Object {$_.WorkingSet -gt 1GB} } | Select-Object -Property Name, WorkingSet

This command retrieves all processes, filters those with a working set greater than 1GB, and selects the name and working set properties.

  • Get-ChildItem
  • Where-Object
  • Select-Object