fmaxf - Linux


fmaxf calculates the maximum value of the provided floating-point numbers. It’s commonly used in numerical computation, data analysis, and parallel programming for finding the greatest value among a set of numbers.


fmaxf(num1, num2, ...)
  • num1, num2, … are the floating-point numbers to compare.


This command has no options or flags.


  • Find the maximum value between 1.5 and 2.5:

    fmaxf 1.5 2.5
  • Calculate the maximum of three numbers:

    fmaxf 10.0 20.5 -5.3
  • Find the greatest value in an array:

    numbers=(1.2 3.4 5.6 7.8 9.0)
    max=`fmaxf ${numbers[@]}`

Common Issues

  • Incorrect number format: Ensure the input numbers are valid floating-point values.
  • Overflow: If the input numbers exceed the range of float data type, results may be inaccurate or lead to undefined behavior.


fmaxf can be integrated with other commands using pipelines or shell scripts:

  • Find the maximum of a column in a CSV file:
    awk -F, 'BEGIN {max=0} {if ($2 > max) max=$2} END {print max}' data.csv

Related Commands

  • fminf: Calculates the minimum value of floating-point numbers.
  • max: Finds the maximum value of integers.