fmal - Linux


The fmal command is a cross-platform numerical library providing a highly optimized implementation of standard mathematical functions. It offers faster and more accurate computations compared to the C library functions. fmal is particularly valuable in scientific computing, numerical analysis, and high-performance computing applications.


fmal([[-sine|cosine|tangent|log|...] [-double|single]] operand1 operand2)

-sine, -cosine, -tangent, -log: Specify the mathematical function to be computed.
-double: Use double-precision calculations (default).
-single: Use single-precision calculations.
operand1, operand2: The input operands for the mathematical operation.




Single-precision calculation of sine:

fmal -single -sine 0.5

Double-precision calculation of logarithm:

fmal -log 10.0

Common Issues

Incorrect precision: Ensure you specify the correct precision flag (-single or -double) for your intended operation.


Integration with scripting:

Combine fmal with scripting languages like Python or C++ for complex numerical computations.

Integration with other tools:

Utilize fmal within numerical analysis tools, such as MATLAB or SciPy, to enhance calculation accuracy and efficiency.

Related Commands

  • gsl: GNU Scientific Library
  • FFTW: Fast Fourier Transform in C
  • LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage