flower - Linux


flower is a lightweight and user-friendly command-line tool for generating attractive and informative ASCII art. It instantly converts text into beautiful graphical representations, making it ideal for creating visually appealing social media content, code snippets, and presentations.


flower [options] <text>


  • -f, –font: Specify the font to use. Supported fonts include: basic, lean, narrow, shadow, thick. Default: basic
  • -a, –align: Set text alignment: left, center, right. Default: left
  • -s, –scale: Adjust the size of the flower. Default: 1.0 (original size)
  • -c, –color: Set the flower’s color. Available colors: red, green, blue, yellow, purple, magenta, white, default. Default: default (random color)
  • -p, –prefix: Add a prefix to the flower. Prefix options: **, *, ***, [, {, |, #. Default: **
  • -h, –help: Display help information and exit


Simple usage:

flower "Hello, world!"

Customized flower:

flower -f narrow -a center -s 2.0 -c green "Linux is awesome!"

Common Issues

  • Invalid font: Ensure you use a supported font name.
  • Missing text: Provide text as an argument to the command.
  • Misspelled options: Double-check option names and spellings.


Combining with other tools:

echo "Welcome" | flower -a center -s 2.0 | lolcat

Use in scripts:

text="My favorite Linux command is flower"
flower -f shadow -c purple "$text" > flower_graphic.txt

Related Commands

  • cowsay: Display text with ASCII art cows
  • figlet: Create text in large ASCII fonts
  • fortune: Display a random fortune or quote