flatpak-remotes - Linux


flatpak-remotes manages remote repositories for Flatpak packages. It allows you to add, remove, and list repositories, as well as set the default repository.


flatpak remotes [command]


| Option/Flag | Description | Default |
| --help | Show help for the command | N/A |
| --version | Print version information | N/A |
| -f | Force operation to proceed even if it would otherwise fail | N/A |
| --system | Operate on system-wide remotes | N/A |
| --user | Operate on user-specific remotes | N/A |
| --add | Add a new remote repository | N/A |
| --remove | Remove a remote repository | N/A |
| --list | List all remote repositories | N/A |
| --default | Set the default remote repository | Current default |
| --delete | Delete a repository (including all installed apps) | N/A |


Add a remote repository:

flatpak remotes add flathub  https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

List remote repositories:

flatpak remotes list

Set the default remote repository:

flatpak remotes default flathub

Delete a remote repository:

flatpak remotes delete flathub

Common Issues

  • "Operation would leave no repositories" error: Ensure that you have at least one repository set up before removing any.
  • "Permission denied" error: Run the command with sudo for system-wide operations.


  • Use flatpak remotes in combination with flatpak install to install packages from specific repositories.
  • Use flatpak remotes to manage repositories used by third-party applications or tools.

Related Commands

  • flatpak
  • flatpak update
  • flatpak install