flatpak-ps - Linux


The flatpak-ps command lists all running Flatpak applications and daemons. It provides detailed information about each process, including its process ID (PID), memory usage, CPU usage, and command line arguments.


flatpak-ps [options]


  • -a: List all processes, including those started by users other than the current user.
  • -c: Show the command line arguments of each process.
  • -e: Sort the output by executable name.
  • -F: Show PID, PPID, CPU usage, memory usage, and command line arguments in a tab-separated format.
  • -h, --help: Show help.
  • -k: Kill a process by its PID.
  • -l: List only the process with the specified PID.
  • -m: Show the memory usage of each process in a human-readable format.
  • -n: Show the name of each process.
  • -o: Specify a field to sort the output by.
  • -p: Show the parent process ID (PPID) of each process.
  • -r: Reverse the sort order.
  • -s: Show the CPU usage of each process in a human-readable format.
  • -t: Show the start time of each process.
  • -u: Show the user who started each process.
  • -w: Show the command line arguments of each process, wrapped to multiple lines.
  • -x: Show all processes, including those started by root.


List all running Flatpak applications and daemons:


List all running Flatpak processes in a tab-separated format:

flatpak-ps -F

List all running Flatpak processes started by user "alice":

flatpak-ps -u alice

Kill a Flatpak process by its PID:

flatpak-ps -k 1234

Common Issues

If you are unable to see any running Flatpak processes, make sure that you have Flatpak installed and running.


The flatpak-ps command can be used in conjunction with other Linux commands to manage Flatpak applications. For example, the following command kills all running Flatpak processes:

pkill flatpak

Related Commands

  • flatpak: The main Flatpak command.
  • flatpak-install: Installs a Flatpak package.
  • flatpak-remove: Removes a Flatpak package.
  • flatpak-update: Updates a Flatpak package.
  • flatpak-list: Lists installed Flatpak packages.
  • flatpak-search: Searches for Flatpak packages.
  • flatpak-build: Builds a Flatpak package.