flatpak-permissions - Linux


flatpak-permissions manages the runtime permissions for Flatpak applications. It allows you to view, grant, and revoke permissions for Flatpak applications. This is useful for controlling which resources and system components applications can access.


flatpak-permissions [OPTIONS] COMMAND

  list: List permissions for a flatpak application
  grant: Grant permissions to a flatpak application
  revoke: Revoke permissions from a flatpak application


  • –app=APP_ID: The Flatpak application ID to manage permissions for.
  • –permissions=PERMISSIONS: A comma-separated list of permissions to grant or revoke. See flatpak permissions list for a list of available permissions.
  • -y: Answer "yes" to prompts without user interaction.


List permissions for an application:

flatpak-permissions list --app com.example.myapp

Grant permission to access the camera:

flatpak-permissions grant --app com.example.myapp camera

Revoke permission to access the network:

flatpak-permissions revoke --app com.example.myapp network

Common Issues

Permission denied:

This error occurs when the user does not have sufficient permissions to grant or revoke the requested permission.

Invalid permission:

This error occurs when the specified permission is not recognized. See flatpak permissions list for a list of available permissions.


flatpak-permissions can be used in conjunction with other flatpak commands to manage applications. For example, you can use flatpak install to install an application and then use flatpak-permissions to grant it the necessary permissions.

Related Commands

  • flatpak – Main Flatpak command line interface.
  • flatpak-info – Show information about installed Flatpak applications.