flatpak-metadata - Linux


flatpak-metadata retrieves and displays metadata about installed Flatpak packages. It provides detailed information about installed apps, such as their version, size, dependencies, and associated permissions. This command is essential for managing Flatpak packages and understanding their system footprint.


flatpak-metadata [OPTION...] REF


  • -v, –verbose: Print additional information, including dependencies and permissions.
  • -a, –all: Display metadata for all installed packages.
  • -e, –export-yaml: Export metadata in YAML format to a file.
  • –show-buildid: Display the Flatpak build ID.
  • –show-changes: Show metadata changes since installation.
  • –show-dotfiles: Include hidden files in the metadata output.
  • –show-arch: Display the package architecture.
  • –show-installed-size: Show the installed size of the package.
  • –show-size: Show the size of the package before installation.
  • -h, –help: Display help and exit.
  • –version: Display version information and exit.


Display metadata for a specific package:

flatpak-metadata org.gnome.Calculator

Display metadata for all installed packages:

flatpak-metadata -a

Export metadata in YAML format to a file:

flatpak-metadata -e org.gnome.Calculator > calculator.yaml

Common Issues

Error: Reference not found:

  • Ensure that the provided reference is correct and spelled accurately.
  • Verify that the package is installed.


Combine with find to locate specific metadata:

find /var/lib/flatpak/ -exec flatpak-metadata -e {} +

Use with scripts to automate metadata retrieval:

for pkg in $(flatpak list); do
  flatpak-metadata -v "$pkg"

Related Commands

  • flatpak
  • rpm
  • dpkg