flatpak-kill - Linux


flatpak-kill terminates running Flatpak applications. It can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting purposes or to force-quit unresponsive applications.


flatpak-kill [options] <application ID>


  • -s, --signal: Specify which signal to send to the application. Defaults to SIGTERM.
  • -a, --all: Terminate all running instances of the specified application.


  • To terminate the running instance of the "org.gnome.gedit" application:
flatpak-kill org.gnome.gedit
  • To terminate all instances of the "org.gnome.gedit" application:
flatpak-kill -a org.gnome.gedit
  • To send a SIGKILL signal (forcefully terminating) to the "org.gnome.gedit" application:
flatpak-kill -s SIGKILL org.gnome.gedit

Common Issues

Sometimes, an application may not terminate after using flatpak-kill. This can occur if the application is unresponsive or has crashed. In such cases, you can try using the flatpak-kill command with the -s KILL option to forcefully terminate the application.


flatpak-kill can be combined with other commands to automate tasks. For example, you can use it in a script to terminate all running Flatpak applications before performing a system update:


# Terminate all running Flatpak applications
flatpak-kill -a

# Perform system update
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

# Restart Flatpak service
sudo systemctl restart flatpak-session

Related Commands

  • flatpak-run: Runs Flatpak applications.
  • flatpak-uninstall: Uninstalls Flatpak applications.
  • flatpak-update: Updates Flatpak applications.