flatpak-flatpakref - Linux


flatpak-flatpakref is a utility for generating a flatpakref file for a Flatpak application. It is typically used for generating updates for Flatpak applications.


flatpak-flatpakref <path-to-app> <path-to-output-flatpakref-file>
  • <path-to-app>: The path to the Flatpak application bundle directory.
  • <path-to-output-flatpakref-file>: The path to the output flatpakref file.


  • -r, --repo=<repo>: The remote repository to use for generating the flatpakref file.
  • -s, --sha256=<sha256>: The SHA256 hash of the application bundle.
  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose output.
  • -h, --help: Display help information.


Generate a flatpakref file for the app Flatpak application:

flatpak-flatpakref ~/apps/app app.flatpakref

Generate a flatpakref file for the app Flatpak application using a remote repository:

flatpak-flatpakref ~/apps/app app.flatpakref \

Generate a flatpakref file for the app Flatpak application and specify the SHA256 hash:

flatpak-flatpakref ~/apps/app app.flatpakref \

Common Issues

  • Error: Cannot find application bundle directory. Ensure that the provided path to the application bundle directory is correct.
  • Error: Cannot generate flatpakref file. Check the permissions of the output flatpakref file and ensure that it is writable.


flatpak-flatpakref can be used in conjunction with other tools to automate the process of generating and updating Flatpak applications. For example, it can be integrated into a continuous integration pipeline to automatically generate flatpakref files for new builds.

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