flatpak-document-export - Linux


flatpak-document-export exports a Flatpak manifest file to a distribution-agnostic format. This is typically used to create a document that contains all the information needed to install the Flatpak application on any Linux system.


flatpak-document-export [--user] [--system] [--arch=<arch>] [--to-file=<file>] <application>


  • –user: Export a user-installed Flatpak application.
  • –system: Export a system-installed Flatpak application (requires root privileges).
  • –arch: Specify the architecture of the Flatpak application to export (defaults to the current system architecture).
  • –to-file: Save the exported document to a file. By default, the document is printed to standard output.


  • Export the user-installed "org.gnome.Calculator" Flatpak application to a file named calculator.xml:
flatpak-document-export --user --to-file=calculator.xml org.gnome.Calculator
  • Export the system-installed "org.freedesktop.libreoffice" Flatpak application to standard output:
flatpak-document-export --arch=x86_64 --system org.freedesktop.libreoffice

Common Issues

  • Error: "Flatpak not installed": Ensure that Flatpak is installed on your system.
  • Error: "Application not found": Verify that the specified application is installed in the specified user or system context.


flatpak-document-export can be used in conjunction with other commands to automate Flatpak installation and management tasks. For example, the following command can be used to install a Flatpak application using the exported document:

flatpak install --from-document=<file>

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