flatpak-build-finish - Linux


flatpak-build-finish creates bundles of local built apps previously built with flatpak-build-init and flatpak-build-update.


flatpak-build-finish [args]


| Option | Description | Default |
| -v | Show verbose debug information | false |
| –export | Export into a directory rather than to stdout | false |
| –app-id | Set the app ID | – |
| –app-version | Set the app version | – |
| –bundle-dir | Save metadata to bundle directory | – |
| –default-branch | Default branch when loading a remote bundle | – |
| –disable-auto-update | Do not check for and update the app automatically | false |
| –disable-flathub | Do not check the Flathub repository | false |
| –disable-local-tests | Disable tests in the host | false |
| –disable-remote-tests | Disable tests in the builder | false |
| –disable-shallow-data | Do not use the shallow data path | false |
| –disable-warnings | Do not show warnings | false |
| –flathub-ref | Flathub reference to use | – |
| –follow-upgrades | Continue upgrading apps on restarts | false |
| –git-branch | Git branch to check out for remote builds | – |
| –git-commit | Git commit for remote builds | – |
| –git-only | Do not download local archives for remote builds | false |
| –git-remote | Git remote to use for remote builds | – |
| –git-subpath | Git subpath for remote builds | – |
| –help | Show help message and exit | |
| –json | Output json app metadata | false |
| –local-tests | Test the app in the host | false |
| –module | Build a module bundle | false |
| –no-sandbox | Run the app without the sandbox | false |
| –no-xattr | Do not use extended attributes | false |
| –ref | Branch, tag or commit reference for Flathub builds | – |
| –repo | Add the given repo to the metadata | – |
| –remote-tests | Test the app in the builder | false |
| –verbose | Show more logging | false |
| –version | Show version and exit | |


  • Create a bundle from a local directory:
flatpak-build-finish dir/
  • Create a bundle from a remote repository:
flatpak-build-finish git+https://github.com/project/repo.git

Common Issues

  • Error: Failed to build bundle: This error can occur if the build process was interrupted or if there were errors in the build scripts. Check the build log for more information.
  • Error: Invalid bundle: This error can occur if the bundle is not valid or if it is missing required files. Check the bundle contents to make sure that all required files are present.


flatpak-build-finish can be used with other Linux commands and tools to create complex build pipelines. For example, it can be used with the make command to create a build system that automatically builds and packages applications.

Related Commands

  • flatpak-build-init: Create a new flatpak app bundle.
  • flatpak-build-update: Update a flatpak app bundle.
  • flatpak: Manage flatpak applications.