filefrag - Linux


filefrag is a powerful command-line utility that analyzes file fragmentation on ext2/3/4 file systems. It provides detailed information about the extent and distribution of fragmentation, helping system administrators and users optimize disk performance.


filefrag [options] [FILESYSTEM]


  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, displaying additional information.
  • -s, –summary: Display only a summary of fragmentation statistics.
  • -p, –plot: Generate a histogram plot of fragmentation data.
  • -l, –long: Display all file details, including extent information.
  • -a, –all: Analyze all files, regardless of size or access time.


Analyze fragmentation of a specific file system:

filefrag /dev/sda1

Display only a summary of fragmentation statistics:

filefrag -s /dev/sda1

Generate a histogram plot of fragmentation data:

filefrag -p /dev/sda1

Display all file details, including extent information:

filefrag -l /dev/sda1

Common Issues

  • Missing filesystem argument: Ensure to specify a valid filesystem path as the first argument.
  • Insufficient disk space: The plot option (-p) requires sufficient free disk space.
  • Unsupported filesystem: filefrag only supports ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems.


  • Combine with find: Identify fragmented files using find -exec filefrag {} \;.
  • Create scripts: Automate fragmentation analysis and reporting tasks.
  • Use in performance optimization tools: Integrate filefrag into scripts to monitor and troubleshoot file system performance.

Related Commands

  • df: Display disk usage statistics.
  • fsck: Check and repair file systems.
  • e2fsck: Specific file system checker for ext2/3/4 filesystems.