fcntl64 - Linux


fcntl64 allows manipulation of file descriptor flags, file status flags, and record locks on files open in a file descriptor.


#include <fcntl.h>

int fcntl64(int fd, int cmd, ... /* arg */);


  • fd: File descriptor referencing the file to be manipulated
  • cmd: Command to execute on the file descriptor
  • arg: Optional argument for certain commands


| Option | Description |
| F_DUPFD | Duplicate file descriptor |
| F_GETFD | Get file descriptor flags |
| F_SETFD | Set file descriptor flags |
| F_GETFL | Get file status flags |
| F_SETFL | Set file status flags |
| F_GETLK | Get record lock |
| F_SETLK | Set record lock |
| F_SETLKW | Set record lock and wait if locked |
| O_APPEND | Open file for appending data |
| O_CREAT | Create file if it doesn’t exist |
| O_EXCL | Ensure file doesn’t exist before creating |
| O_NOCTTY | Don’t make terminal the controlling terminal |
| O_NONBLOCK | Open file in non-blocking mode |
| O_RDONLY | Open file for reading only |
| O_RDWR | Open file for both reading and writing |
| O_SYNC | Open file for synchronous I/O |
| O_TRUNC | Truncate file to 0 length |
| O_WRONLY | Open file for writing only |


Duplicate File Descriptor

int new_fd = fcntl64(fd, F_DUPFD);

Set File Status Flags

int flags = fcntl64(fd, F_GETFL);
flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl64(fd, F_SETFL, flags);

Get Record Lock

struct flock lock;
fcntl64(fd, F_GETLK, &lock);
if (lock.l_type == F_UNLCK) {
    // File is unlocked

Set Record Lock

struct flock lock = {
    .l_type = F_WRLCK,
    .l_whence = SEEK_SET,
    .l_start = 10,
    .l_len = 100
fcntl64(fd, F_SETLK, &lock);

Common Issues

Permission Denied: Ensure you have sufficient permissions to perform the desired operation on the file.

Invalid File Descriptor: Verify that the file descriptor is valid and refers to an open file.

Lock Conflicting: When setting a lock, ensure it doesn’t conflict with existing locks held by other processes.


Combine with dup2()

int fd = open("file.txt", O_RDWR);
dup2(fd, 1); // Redirect stdout to file.txt

Create Custom Commands

#include <sys/ioctl.h>

int my_fcntl(int fd, int cmd) {
    return fcntl64(fd, cmd, 0);

Related Commands