fcloseall - Linux


fcloseall is a command used in Linux and Unix systems to automatically close all open files associated with a process or its children. It is designed to address resource leaks and potential data integrity issues caused by unclosed files when processes terminate abruptly.



Note: The command does not take any arguments or options.




  1. Close all open files by the current process:
  1. Close all open files by the current process and its children:
execv("/some/command", [/* args */], {/* env vars */}, fcloseall)

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: The command may fail with a "Permission denied" error if the process does not have sufficient permissions to close all open files. Ensure that the process has the necessary file access privileges.
  • Stale file handles: If a file handle becomes stale (e.g., due to race conditions), fcloseall may not be able to close the corresponding file. In such cases, manually closing the file handle using other means (e.g., fclose(3)) may be necessary.


fcloseall can be integrated into custom scripts or processes to automatically close all open files when needed. For example:


# Run a command with automatic file closure
execv("/some/command", [/* args */]) || exit 1

# Close remaining open files

Related Commands

  • fdclose: Close a specific file descriptor.
  • fdetach: Detach a file from a process.
  • close: Close a specific file descriptor (available in C libraries).