fatlabel - Linux


fatlabel is a command-line utility used to manage volume labels for FAT file systems. It allows you to view, edit, and create volume labels, ensuring proper identification and organization of storage devices.


fatlabel [options] /dev/device-node [new_volume_label]


  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, providing detailed information about the labeling process.
  • -n, –no-label: Remove the current volume label from the specified device.
  • -h, –help: Display a brief help message and exit.


View the current volume label:

fatlabel /dev/sdb

Change the volume label to "My USB":

fatlabel /dev/sdb My\ USB

Remove the volume label:

fatlabel -n /dev/sdb

Common Issues

  • Device not recognized: Ensure that the specified device node is correct and accessible.
  • Unsupported file system: fatlabel only works with FAT file systems. If your device uses a different file system, it cannot be labeled.


Combine with lsblk to identify devices:

sudo lsblk | grep 'part' | awk '{print "/dev/" $1}' | xargs -I{} sudo fatlabel {} "My_New_Label"

Related Commands

  • fdisk: Manage partition tables and disk partitions.
  • mkfs: Create file systems on storage devices.
  • e2label: Manage volume labels for ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems.