fanotify - Linux
fanotify is a powerful Linux command that allows users to monitor file system changes and receive notifications when specific events occur. It provides a robust framework for implementing file system-based events and notifications, enabling developers and system administrators to enhance the functionality and responsiveness of their applications and systems.
fanotify [options] <command> <path...>
init <objtype>:<flag> <flags>
Initialize fanotify object
mark <fd> <objtype>:<flag> <flags>
Modify fanotify object
getmark <fd>
Retrieve mark associated with fanotify object
watch <fd> <path...>
Add watched file path to fanotify object
unwatch <fd> <path...>
Remove watched file path from fanotify object
- -v, –version: Display version information.
- -h, –help: Display a brief help message.
- -q, –quiet: Suppress error messages.
- -d, –debug: Enable debug mode.
Initialize a fanotify object:
fanotify init all:modify,open,delete,close /tmp
Mark a fanotify object:
fanotify mark 3 all:readonly,create,unlink
Retrieve the mark associated with a fanotify object:
fanotify getmark 3
Add a watched file path to a fanotify object:
fanotify watch 3 /home/user/documents
Remove a watched file path from a fanotify object:
fanotify unwatch 3 /home/user/documents
Common Issues
- Permission denied: Ensure that the user running the command has sufficient permissions to monitor the specified file system.
- File not found: Verify that the specified file or directory exists and is accessible.
- Invalid arguments: Check the syntax and ensure that all arguments are specified correctly.
fanotify can be combined with other Linux commands, such as inotifywait or tail -f, to create more complex monitoring and notification systems. For example, the following command uses fanotify to monitor file changes and display the changes using tail -f:
fanotify init all:modify,delete,close /tmp | tail -f
Related Commands
- inotify: Monitors file system events and provides notifications.
- inotifywait: Waits for file system events and executes a specified command when the event occurs.