extension-release - Linux


The extension-release command manages kernel extensions (kexts) on macOS. It allows users to load, unload, and check the status of kexts, which are essential for extending the functionality of the operating system.


extension-release [options] <command> <parameters>


  • -h, –help: Display command usage.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output.
  • -f, –force: Force operations even if they might cause problems.
  • -L, –list: List all installed kexts.
  • -l, –load: Load a kext.
  • -u, –unload: Unload a kext.
  • -i, –info: Display information about a kext.
  • -c, –check: Check the status of a kext.
  • -p, –path: Specify the path to the kext.
  • -b, –bundle-id: Specify the bundle ID of the kext.


  • List all installed kexts:
extension-release -L
  • Load a kext:
extension-release -l /path/to/kext.kext
  • Unload a kext:
extension-release -u com.example.kext
  • Display information about a kext:
extension-release -i com.example.kext
  • Check the status of a kext:
extension-release -c com.example.kext

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure you have sufficient privileges to perform the operation, typically by running the command with sudo.
  • Kext not found: The specified kext may not be installed.
  • Kext already loaded: The specified kext is already loaded and cannot be loaded again.
  • Kext dependencies not met: Ensure that all dependencies for the kext are met before loading it.


The extension-release command can be integrated with other tools to automate kext management tasks. For example, you can use it in a script to load or unload specific kexts based on certain conditions.

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