extended_pair_content - Linux


extended_pair_content is a command-line tool designed to extend and enhance the content of key-value pairs. It allows users to modify, generate, or transform data within these pairs based on specific rules and configurations. This tool is particularly useful in scenarios where data manipulation and transformation are required for data processing, analysis, or other automated tasks.


extended_pair_content [options] <input_file> [<output_file>]


  • -r, –rules-file: Specify the rules file containing the transformation rules.
  • -t, –type: Define the data type of the input key-value pairs. Supported types include JSON, YAML, CSV, and more.
  • -o, –output-format: Specify the output format for the transformed content. Options include JSON, YAML, CSV, and others.
  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.


Example 1: Extending JSON Key-Value Pairs

extended_pair_content -t json input.json output.json -r rules.json

In this example, the content of the input.json file is transformed using the rules defined in the rules.json file and saved in the output.json file.

Example 2: Generating YAML Key-Value Pairs

extended_pair_content -t yaml input.txt output.yaml -r rules.yaml

This command generates YAML key-value pairs from the input text file input.txt based on the rules provided in the rules.yaml file and stores the result in output.yaml.

Common Issues

  • Incorrect Rules File: Ensure that the rules file provided is valid and contains valid transformation rules.
  • Unsupported Data Type: Check that the input file’s data type matches the specified type (-t option).
  • Output File Overwrite: Be cautious when specifying the output file, as existing files will be overwritten without warning.


extended_pair_content can be integrated with other commands and tools in Linux for advanced data manipulation workflows.

cat input.txt | extended_pair_content -t txt -r rules.txt | grep "key"

This command chain pipelines the contents of the text file input.txt through the extended_pair_content command, transforming the data according to the rules in rules.txt, and then filtering the output for key-value pairs matching the "key" pattern.

Related Commands

  • jq: Powerful JSON processing tool
  • yq: YML and JSON text processor
  • sed: Command for performing edits on text streams