ether_line - Linux


ether_line is a command-line utility for creating and managing network interfaces on Linux systems. It allows for the configuration and monitoring of Ethernet devices, providing a convenient and versatile tool for network administration and troubleshooting.


ether_line [options] <action> [parameters]


  • -h, –help: Display help information and exit.
  • -v, –version: Display version information and exit.
  • -i, –interface: Specify the network interface to operate on.
  • -d, –debug: Enable debugging mode.


Create a new Ethernet interface:

sudo ether_line create eth1

Configure an existing interface:

sudo ether_line configure eth0 --ip --gateway

Monitor the status of an interface:

sudo ether_line monitor eth1

Common Issues

  • Interface not found: Ensure that the specified interface exists and is correctly named.
  • Permission denied: You may need to run the command as a privileged user (e.g., with sudo).
  • Invalid configuration parameters: Check that the provided configuration values are valid and conform to the expected format.


ether_line can be integrated with other Linux commands and tools for advanced network tasks:

  • ip: Manage IP addresses and routing tables: ether_line create eth1; ip addr add dev eth1
  • ping: Test network connectivity: ether_line monitor eth1; ping
  • iperf3: Measure network performance: ether_line create eth1; iperf3 -c server_host

Related Commands

  • ifconfig: Configure network interfaces
  • ip: Manage IP addresses and routing
  • iwconfig: Configure wireless interfaces