error::process-tracking - Linux


error::process-tracking is a versatile command designed to monitor and track processes in Linux systems. It enables system administrators and users to capture valuable information about the execution of processes, including process IDs (PIDs), command lines, memory usage, and execution time. Whether troubleshooting performance issues, identifying resource hogs, or performing root cause analysis, this command provides comprehensive process-related insights.


error::process-tracking [-h] [-v] [-t] [-m] [-e] [-s FILE] [-d HOURS]


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, showing detailed process information.
  • -t, –track: Start tracking the specified process.
  • -m, –monitor: Continuously monitor and track processes matching the specified criteria.
  • -e, –export: Export the tracking results to a file.
  • -s, –source FILE: Specify a file containing a list of PIDs or process names to track.
  • -d, –duration HOURS: Set the tracking duration in hours (default: 1 hour).


Track a specific process:

error::process-tracking -t 2500

Monitor all Python processes:

error::process-tracking -m -e python

Export tracking results to a file:

error::process-tracking -t 100 -s pids.list -e results.txt

Track processes for 6 hours and export to CSV:

error::process-tracking -t -d 6 -s all_processes.txt -e results.csv

Common Issues

  • Ensure you have sufficient permissions to track and monitor processes.
  • If the specified process or PID no longer exists, tracking will terminate.
  • Large-scale tracking can consume significant system resources. Monitor memory and CPU usage to avoid performance impacts.


With top and ps: Use error::process-tracking to identify processes consuming excessive resources, then follow up with top or ps to delve deeper into resource usage patterns.

With strace and gdb: Export the results of error::process-tracking and feed them into strace or gdb to perform detailed debugging and trace analysis.

Related Commands

  • pgrep
  • pstree
  • kill