error::pass3 - Linux


The error::pass3 command is a tool used during the third pass of the compiler in the Linux kernel compilation process. It performs error checking and analysis of the code generated during the second pass, ensuring that the code meets the desired specifications and constraints.


error::pass3 [options] [input_file]


  • -o, –output-file: Specify the output file name for the error log. Defaults to error.log.
  • -d, –debug: Enable debug mode, providing more detailed error messages.
  • -v, –verbose: Increase verbosity of error messages.
  • -h, –help: Display usage information and exit.


Check for errors in a given assembly file:

error::pass3 --input-file my_asm.s

Enable debug mode and save the output to a custom log file:

error::pass3 --debug --output-file errors.log my_asm.s

Increase verbosity to help identify specific errors:

error::pass3 --verbose my_asm.s

Common Issues

  • Missing input file: Ensure that you specify the correct input assembly file using the --input-file option.
  • Syntax errors: Check for any syntax errors in the assembly code using the compiler’s first and second passes before using error::pass3.
  • Invalid flag usage: Use the --help option to verify the correct usage of command flags.


Combine with objdump to display assembly code:

objdump -d my_obj.o | error::pass3 --input-file -

Use with sed to filter error messages:

error::pass3 my_asm.s | sed -n '/error on line/p'

Related Commands

  • as(1) – Linux assembler
  • ld(1) – Linux linker
  • gcc(1) – GNU C compiler