error_at_line - Linux


error_at_line is a useful utility for identifying and inspecting errors in code. It provides detailed information about the location and nature of errors, making it easier to debug and resolve issues.


error_at_line [options] [--] FILENAME


  • -l, –line-number: Specify the line number where the error is to be inserted.
  • -m, –message: Specify the error message to be inserted.
  • -i, –interactive: Run in interactive mode, allowing users to specify the error details manually.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, providing additional details about the error insertion process.


  • Insert an error on line 10 of with the message "Syntax error":
error_at_line -l 10 -m "Syntax error"
  • Run in interactive mode to specify the error details:
error_at_line -i

Common Issues

  • Error not inserted: Ensure that the specified filename is valid and that the line number exists.
  • Syntax errors in error message: Double-check the syntax of the error message and ensure it is valid Python code.


error_at_line can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to automatically insert errors into code files for testing purposes. It can also be used in conjunction with debugging tools such as pdb or ipdb to set breakpoints at specific error locations.

Related Commands

  • pdb, ipdb: Interactive Python debuggers that allow you to step through code and inspect variables.
  • pytest: A testing framework that can use error_at_line to generate test cases with targeted errors.