erff - Linux


erff is a command-line tool used to calculate the error function, a common function in probability and statistics. It evaluates the integral of the normal distribution from negative infinity to a specified value.


erff [options] <argument>


  • (required): A numerical value representing the input to the error function.


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -v, –version: Output the installed version of erff.
  • -d , –decimals : Specify the number of decimal places in the output. Default: 6


Calculate the error function for x = 1.5

erff 1.5



Calculate the error function with 10 decimal places

erff -d 10 1.5



Use erff in a script


# Calculate error function values for a range of inputs
for x in 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0; do
  erff $x

Common Issues

  • Argument is non-numerical: Make sure the input argument is a valid numerical value.
  • Negative number of decimal places: The specified number of decimal places must be non-negative.
  • Out of memory: If the input argument is very large, erff may run out of memory. Try using a smaller value or increasing the system’s memory resources.


  • Integrate with R: erff can be used within R statistical software to perform error function calculations.
  • Create scripts: erff can be incorporated into scripts for automated workflows or numerical analysis tasks.

Related Commands

  • erf: Calculates the complementary error function.
  • erfc: Calculates the complementary error function, scaled by the square root of pi.