eqn2graph - Linux


eqn2graph is a powerful tool that converts mathematical equations in a TeX-like syntax into graphical images. It is commonly used to create high-quality graphics for presentations, reports, and research papers.


eqn2graph [options] equation [equation ...]


| Option | Description | Default |
| -T <format> | Output image format (e.g., PNG, PDF, SVG) | PNG |
| -o <file> | Output filename | stdout |
| -s <size> | Output size in pixels | 600 |
| -l <label> | Override equation label | None |
| -b | Use bold font | False |
| -i | Invert colors | False |
| -v | Verbose output | False |


Simple usage:

eqn2graph 'y = x^2'

Custom output format and size:

eqn2graph -T PDF -s 1200 'y = sin(x)'

Multiple equations with labels:

eqn2graph -l "Equation 1" 'y = x^3' -l "Equation 2" 'y = 2x'

Common Issues

  • Blank output: Ensure that the equation syntax is correct.
  • Grainy images: Increase the output size using the -s option.
  • Misaligned labels: Specify labels using the -l option.


With LaTeX:

y = x^2


With Markdown:

$$y = x^2$$


Related Commands

  • tex: Typesetting tool
  • pstricks: Extension for drawing in TeX
  • gnuplot: Interactive plotting tool