envz_entry - Linux


envz_entry is a Linux-based command used to list all environment variables in a namespace and their respective values. It offers a straightforward and efficient way to view and troubleshoot environment settings, helping in the analysis of application configurations and debugging processes.


envz_entry [-h] [-n NAMESPACE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]


  • -h, –help: Displays the help message for the command.
  • -n, –namespace: Specifies the namespace for which the environment variables will be listed. By default, the current namespace is used.
  • -o, –output-file: Specifies the file path where the list of environment variables is written.


Simple usage: Print all environment variables in the current namespace:


Specific namespace: List environment variables in the my_namespace namespace:

envz_entry -n my_namespace

Export to file: Save the environment variable list to a file called env_vars.txt:

envz_entry -o env_vars.txt

Common Issues

  • Namespace not found: Ensure the specified namespace exists.
  • No output: Verify that the namespace contains environment variables.


envz_entry can be combined with other commands for advanced use cases, such as:

  • Piping to grep: Filter environment variables by name or value:
envz_entry | grep PATH
  • Redirecting to a file: Parse environment variables and store them in a file for later use:
envz_entry -n my_namespace > my_env_vars

Related Commands

  • printenv: Prints environment variables in the current shell.
  • env: Sets the environment variables for a new shell.

Additional Resources