encrypt_r - Linux


Encrypt_r is a Linux command-line tool that securely encrypts files specified by a list of paths. It utilizes the industry-standard AES-256 encryption algorithm to protect data confidentiality and integrity. Primarily used in scenarios where sensitive information needs to be stored or transmitted securely.


encrypt_r [OPTIONS] PATH1 [PATH2 ...]



  • -o, –output: Output file or directory where encrypted files will be saved.


  • -k, –key: Use a custom 256-bit encryption key.
  • -m, –mode: Encryption mode (default: aes-256-cbc).
  • -d, –decrypt: Decrypt the specified encrypted files.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output during encryption/decryption.
  • -h, –help: Display help information.


Encrypt a file using a custom encryption key:

encrypt_r -k 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef -o secret.enc secret.txt

Decrypt an encrypted file:

encrypt_r -d -o secret.txt secret.enc

Encrypt multiple files recursively:

encrypt_r -o encrypted output_dir input_dir1 input_dir2

Common Issues

Key Management: Ensure you safely store and manage the encryption key, as it is crucial for both encryption and decryption.

Overwriting Existing Files: The output file or directory may overwrite existing data. Use caution when choosing the output destination.


Integrate encrypt_r with shell scripts or other Linux commands for automated encryption tasks. For example:

find /sensitive_data -type f -exec encrypt_r -o encrypted_files {} +

Related Commands

  • gpg: General-purpose encryption utility.
  • age: Modern and user-friendly encryption tool.
  • openssl: OpenSSL cryptography library providing command-line tools for encryption.