ecvt - Linux


ecvt converts a double-precision floating-point number to a base-10 character string that represents a finite number of digits. This string can be used to display the value as a decimal fraction or for other purposes.


ecvt(double value, int ndigits, int* decpt, int* sign)


| Option | Description | Default Value |
| value | The double-precision value to convert. | N/A |
| ndigits | The number of digits to display in the resulting string. | N/A |
| decpt | A pointer to the variable that will store the position of the decimal point in the resulting string. | N/A |
| sign | A pointer to the variable that will store the sign of the resulting string. | N/A |


  1. Convert the value 123.45 to a string with 3 digits:
char buffer[32];
ecvt(123.45, 3, &decpt, &sign);
printf("%s\n", buffer);

This will output the string "123".

  1. Convert the negative value -1234.56789 to a string with 10 digits:
char buffer[32];
ecvt(-1234.56789, 10, &decpt, &sign);
printf("%s\n", buffer);

This will output the string "-1234.567890".

Common Issues

  • If the number of digits is too small, the resulting string may not accurately represent the original value.
  • If the number is too large or too small, the resulting string may be in scientific notation.


ecvt can be used with other Linux commands to format and display numeric values. For example, it can be used with printf to print a value with a specific number of decimal places:

printf("%.2f\n", ecvt(123.45, 2, &decpt, &sign));

This will output the string "123.45".

Related Commands

  • printf – Prints formatted data to standard output.
  • sprintf – Writes formatted data to a string.
  • fprintf – Writes formatted data to a file.
  • snprintf – Writes formatted data to a string with a specified maximum length.