e4crypt - Linux


e4crypt is a command-line tool used to encrypt and decrypt files securely. It offers robust encryption algorithms, making it suitable for encrypting sensitive data, such as financial records, personal documents, and confidential information.


e4crypt [options] [command] [file/directory]


  • -e, --encrypt: Encrypt the specified file or directory.
  • -d, --decrypt: Decrypt the specified file or directory.
  • -o, --output: Specify the output file or directory for encrypted/decrypted data.
  • -a, --algorithm: Choose the encryption algorithm. Default is aes-256-cbc.
  • -p, --password: Provide a password for encryption/decryption.
  • -k, --keyfile: Use a file containing the encryption/decryption key.
  • -s, --salt: Specify a salt to enhance security.
  • -v, --verbose: Display verbose output during operation.
  • -h, --help: Display help information.


Encrypt a file:

e4crypt -e -p "mypassword" file.txt

Decrypt a file using a keyfile:

e4crypt -d -p "mypassword" -k keyfile file.txt.e4

Encrypt a directory recursively and output to a different directory:

e4crypt -e -o encrypted_files -a aes-128-ctr /home/user/documents

Common Issues

  • Incorrect password or key: Ensure that the password or keyfile entered is correct.
  • Encrypted file corruption: If the encrypted file is corrupted, decryption may fail.
  • Output file/directory already exists: Specify a unique output name or remove the existing file/directory.


  • Combine with other encryption tools: Use e4crypt in conjunction with tools like gpg or openssl for additional encryption layers.
  • Automate tasks with scripts: Create scripts that incorporate e4crypt to encrypt/decrypt data as part of larger workflows.

Related Commands

  • gpg: Command-line tool for OpenPGP encryption and decryption.
  • openssl: Versatile command-line tool for various cryptographic operations.
  • dmcrypt: Tool for device-level encryption.
  • e4crypt website: Official documentation and further resources.