dupwin - Linux


dupwin is a command-line tool used to easily duplicate the current terminal window, preserving the environment, current working directory, and any running processes. It’s a convenient way to create identical workspaces for development, debugging, or running multiple tasks simultaneously.


dupwin [options]


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -s, –silent: Suppress output messages.
  • -n, –name: Specify a custom name for the new window.
  • -c, –close: Close the original window after duplication.

Default Values:

  • -s, –silent: False
  • -n, –name: A random generated name
  • -c, –close: False


  • Duplicate current window:
  • Duplicate current window with custom name:
dupwin -n new_window
  • Duplicate current window and close the original:
dupwin -c
  • Duplicate current window silently (suppress output):
dupwin -s

Common Issues

  • dupwin: command not found: Ensure the command is installed and in your $PATH.
  • No visible change: The command may have created a new window but it might be hidden. Check the screen command or use a window manager to find it.
  • Permission denied: Check if you have sufficient permissions to create new windows.


  • dupwin can be used in combination with other window management tools like tmux or screen to create more complex workspaces.
  • For example, to create a new tmux session with multiple windows, use:
dupwin -c ; tmux new-session -s my_session

Related Commands

  • tmux: A terminal multiplexer for managing multiple terminals in a single session.
  • byobu: A graphical shell environment that runs inside a terminal window.
  • screen: A terminal multiplexer for creating and managing multiple virtual terminals.