dsp56k - Linux


The dsp56k command is a general-purpose, high-performance signal processing tool specifically designed for the Analog Devices ADSP-56K family of digital signal processors (DSPs). It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for programming, debugging, and testing ADSP-56K DSPs.


dsp56k [options] <command> <args>

where <command> is one of the following:

  • assemble: assemble a source file
  • disassemble: disassemble an object file
  • link: link multiple object files into a single executable
  • load: load an executable file into an ADSP-56K DSP
  • execute: execute an executable file on an ADSP-56K DSP
  • debug: enter the debugger
  • help: print help information


  • -a: specify the architecture of the ADSP-56K DSP (e.g., adsp-56001, adsp-56800)
  • -c: compile the source file only (do not assemble or link)
  • -d: debug the executable file (enter the debugger after loading)
  • -e: execute the executable file after loading
  • -f: specify the input file format (e.g., asm, obj, elf)
  • -h: print help information
  • -i: include the specified header file(s)
  • -l: link the specified library file(s)
  • -o: specify the output file name
  • -s: specify the symbol table format (e.g., dwarf, stabs)
  • -v: verbose mode


Assemble a source file:

dsp56k -a adsp-56001 -c my_program.asm

Link multiple object files into a single executable:

dsp56k -a adsp-56800 -l my_library.a my_program.obj my_data.obj

Load an executable file into an ADSP-56K DSP:

dsp56k -a adsp-56001 -l my_program.elf

Execute an executable file on an ADSP-56K DSP:

dsp56k -a adsp-56001 -e my_program.elf

Common Issues

Error: No such file or directory

This error occurs when the specified input file or library file does not exist. Ensure that the file is in the correct location and that you have the proper permissions to access it.

Error: Invalid instruction

This error occurs when the assembler encounters an invalid instruction in the source file. Check the source file for syntax errors or invalid instructions.

Error: Undefined symbol

This error occurs when the linker cannot find a definition for a symbol that is referenced in the executable file. Ensure that all symbols are defined in the source file or in a library file that is linked into the executable.


The dsp56k command can be combined with other Linux commands and tools for advanced tasks. For example, you can use the pipe operator to chain multiple commands together.

dsp56k -a adsp-56001 -c my_program.asm | dsp56k -a adsp-56001 -l my_program.obj | dsp56k -a adsp-56001 -e my_program.elf

This command will assemble the my_program.asm source file, link the resulting object file with the my_library.a library file, and then load and execute the resulting executable file on an ADSP-56001 DSP.

Related Commands

  • as: assemble a source file
  • ld: link multiple object files into a single executable
  • gdb: debug an executable file
  • readelf: display information about an executable file