dselect.cfg - Linux


dselect.cfg is a configuration file for dselect, a tool that manages software package selection and installation in Debian-based Linux distributions. It allows users to customize the installation process by specifying package selection, source configurations, and other settings.




  • default_packages: List of packages marked for installation by default.
  • disabled_packages: List of packages marked for exclusion from installation.
  • held_packages: List of packages marked as held, preventing them from being installed or upgraded.
  • unheld_packages: List of packages marked as unheld, allowing them to be installed or upgraded.
  • source_uris: Specifies the locations of software repositories and their priority.
  • exclude_docs: Excludes documentation packages from updates and installations.
  • exclude_debug: Excludes debug packages from updates and installations.
  • exclude_translations: Excludes translation packages from updates and installations.
  • auto_select: Controls whether packages are automatically selected for installation based on dependencies.
  • auto_upgrade: Controls whether packages are automatically upgraded during the installation process.
  • prefer_larger: Selects the larger version of a package for installation when multiple versions exist.


Enable automatic package selection:

auto_select true

Exclude debug packages:

exclude_debug true

Add a custom software repository:

source_uris https://myrepo.com/debian/ unstable main

Mark a package as held:

held_packages ssh

Common Issues

  • Missing packages: Ensure that the specified software repositories are accessible and up-to-date.
  • Conflicting packages: Resolve conflicts between packages by specifying their priorities or by manually selecting and installing the desired versions.
  • Errors during installation: Check the dselect.log for error messages and follow the provided instructions.


With apt-get:

sudo apt-get install dselect && dselect

With aptitude:

sudo aptitude install dselect && dselect-update && aptitude search

Related Commands

  • apt-get
  • aptitude
  • dpkg
  • apt-mark